Scheme ID

Scheme ID

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What Is A Scheme ID?

All eligible containers are worth a 10-cent refund that you can either keep or donate to a charity or community group. To receive a payment or make a donation, you'll first need to set up a scheme ID. You can use this code at any of our recycle points throughout Cairns and beyond, including Smithfield, Portsmith, Mareeba, Edmonton, Gordonvale and Mackay.

Your scheme ID is a 9-character alphanumeric code that allows Cairns Recycling to process your payments electronically, directly into your bank account or PayPal. Register your account through Queensland’s Containers for Change scheme and get your scheme ID today.

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Using Scheme IDs

Whether you're new to the container recycling scheme or you just haven't gotten around to setting up your scheme ID, registering your account allows you to receive your refund straight into your bank or PayPal account. You can use your code to collect refunds or make donations from any recycle centre throughout Queensland.

Individuals, businesses, schools, community groups and charities can all register for a scheme ID. Then, when you or your supporters donate, you can quote the relevant scheme ID, so funds are sent to the right account straightaway. Learn more about donations, as well as community and business recycling. For all enquiries, call the friendly team at Cairns Recycling on 0436 663 336.

Enquire Now

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do I have to enter banking information when I sign up for a scheme ID?

    You must enter your bank account information when signing up for a scheme ID so your refunds can be deposited straight into your nominated bank account via EFT. We require your bank information even if you select PayPal as your preferred payment method as a secondary measure to ensure your refund is always deposited to you.

  • Where can I find my scheme ID once I've registered?

    You can find your scheme ID here. Just enter the email address you signed up with and you'll be emailed your scheme ID. You can add your scheme ID to your Apple Wallet or Wallet Passes via this email. If you would like assistance with finding your scheme ID, call the team at Containers for Change on 13 42 42 or email

  • What do I do if I've forgotten my password to my scheme account?

    You can reset your password here by clicking ‘Can't sign in?’. A reset password link will be sent to your email address where you can create your new password.

  • How do I update my details for my scheme account?

    To update your scheme profile and financial information, login here. You can update details in the 'My Profile' and 'Account Security' pages.

  • How do I delete my scheme account?

    If you would like to delete your account, please call the Containers for Change team on 13 42 42 or email

  • Where can I find my return history?

    Using your scheme ID to receive your refunds means you can keep track of your return history. You can view your return history here by clicking ‘Transaction History’ at the top of the page or by downloading the Containers for Change app.

  • Will my information remain private?

    You can read our privacy policy here.

  • What do I do if I haven't received a tax invoice and I need one?

    Please check your junk email folder in your registered email account. If it's not there, please phone 13 42 42 or email

  • Can I manage my account through an app?

    Yes, you can download the Containers for Change app to set up and manage your scheme ID. Find the app for Android or Apple.

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